Magento in 2021 and Beyond: Magento Experts Share Predictions

Nadya Bakhur

Researcher, Content Writer

the future of ecommerce

Two experts from the NEKLO ecommerce team, contributing to our expertise as a Magento development company, share their thoughts on the potential of their favorite and one of the most popular ecommerce platforms on the market today.

Find below expert quotes about Magento development, Magento services, and Magento partners from our Senior Magento Developer Michail and Business Development Specialist Victoria.

Introduction: Magento eCommerce Development Today

Picking out the appropriate ecommerce platform to build, manage, and maintain an online store is critical, as it can help advance your business or vice versa – break it. This is particularly significant for small businesses as they have to deal with limited resources and budgets.

Global titans like Coca-Cola and Nike trust Magento as a powerful and secure ecommerce solution. Similarly, businesses are looking for the best Magento developers and are not afraid to invest in custom Magento development to get a website that converts

At NEKLO as a Magento development agency, we value our clients previously and currently involved in Magento website development and want to help the others (who might be hesitating at the moment) to learn more about Magento solutions and find the one that will suit the most. 

Our Magento experts Michail Klimovich (Senior Magento Developer) and Victoria Kurilchik (Sales and Business Development Specialist) provided their commentary on 5 questions about Magento. 

5 questions, 2 opinions, 1 powerful ecommerce platform.

Stay tuned.

Victoria Kurilchik: “What is Magento? First and foremost, it’s a successful product.”

Ladies first. Victoria is a Business Development Manager at NEKLO with over 2.5 years of experience connecting clients with our top Magento developers. We asked Victoria to share her views on the ‘what is Magento for business’ question and how the platform and its features help to enhance ecommerce.

What attracts online store owners to learn how to use Magento, search for Magento tutorials, and choose Magento for business?

Victoria: “Well, Magento offers numerous advantages. It has several out-of-the-box features that help store owners get to the market hassle-free and manage a web store with the pre-built configurations.

Moreover, our clients appreciate such Magento features as:

  • fast page loading speed;
  • multiple marketing and customer retention tools;
  • high data security;
  • the opportunity to manage multiple stores from one admin panel.

These are the Magento features that set the platform apart from other ecommerce platforms.

So what is Magento? Well, first and foremost, it’s a successful product.”

What is the potential of Magento website development for 2021-2022?

magento experts quote

Victoria: “The past year has become an impetus for the growth of establishing online stores. Many brick-and-mortar store owners decided to move their business online. Those who have already been running web stores cemented their position in the ecommerce market. 

I believe Magento will be demanded for business, primarily due to its features. Every business strives for growth. For ecommerce business owners, development comes with an increase in the range of products sold. Magento with its scalability is a perfect solution, even if there are 1000-2000 items in the catalogue of your online store. You can always increase the number of goods.

Various Magento extensions serve as a tool for optimization. Moreover, Magento has a built-in framework, a customizable caching system, and a content delivery network. Additionally, there’s dedicated hosting for the platform. It’s an optional solution which has to be purchased, but again, dedicated servers are the safest hosting option.

What’s more?

Some of the not-so-apparent Magento features include:

  • Extensive out of the box marketing tools;
  • Flexible discount and promotion systems;
  • SEO opportunities;
  • Data security and bug fixing;
  • Timely updates and frequently released security patches.”

Web developers are increasingly upgrading to Magento developers. Can you attest to it being true?

magento experts quote

Victoria: “Magento in 2021 enjoys the same popularity as it had before. The growing number of Magento developers is the evidence. The Magento community releases new modules, improvements in the out-of-the-box functionality.

I think Magento will maintain its superior quality for businesses that wish to develop and increase their profit online, for a long time to come. Magento doesn’t have an equal match on the market. So far, no other ecommerce platform has succeeded in repeating the Magento features.”

By the way, if you are just starting your Magento adventure, you may have doubts even about the basic issues. NEKLO experts share their opinions on what operating system is better to use for Magento development and why.

Why is it cool to be a Magento expert?

Victoria: “To be a Magento expert means to be an expert in a successful product. It constantly grows, improves, and acquires lots of new features.

Magento is exciting for owners of medium and large scale businesses who have thousands of items in catalogues. It’s the best solution for those who appreciate:

  • quality and speed of order processing;
  • full functionality;
  • data security.

Every client is unique. Someone might be looking for a way to switch from their current platform to Magento, others wish to migrate to Magento 2 to maintain quality and security of their store, or would like to move their brick-and-mortar stores online. From our experience, every client was left satisfied after choosing Magento as the platform for their ecommerce business.”

What features does Magento include and what Magento 2 features are lacking? What would you like to add soon? 

Victoria: “Well, I’m not a Magento developer, but I can comment on Magento functionality from a client’s perspective.

As I have already mentioned, Magento offers rich functionality from the box. Thanks to a large number of Magento experts out there, there are more than 10,000 various Magento extensions available that help to expand your existing functionality. 

For more complex requests, we suggest custom Magento development services. That’s the way to receive a bespoke web store with all the necessary perks.”

Learn more about NEKLO best selling Magento extensions in our article. 

Michail Klimovich: “The ‘How to Use Magento?’ Matter Becomes Very Complex” 

We chatted with Michail on Magento-related issues previously in one of our digests. When it comes to Magento ecommerce development, our senior Magento developer is always ready to share his expertise and a frank opinion?

What attracts online store owners to learn how to use Magento, search for Magento tutorials, and choose Magento for business?

Michail: “Oh, you want me to talk about Magento perks again? (laughs) Web store owners are always looking for the optimal solution when it comes to functionality. Magento here is the utmost option.

Magento is originally based on the principles of adaptability and scalability as it provides EAV, modules, rewrites, events. These are the mechanisms that allow Magento to attract a large number of developers to take a prominent place in ecommerce.

The main perks of Magento are rich out-of-the-box functionality and an impressive number of third-party modules (paid and free). What’s more, Magento is an open-source platform allowing online store owners to personalize their website according to their needs. 

Additionally, Magento offers a free plan that allows users to acquire an opportunity to get on a powerful platform at no additional cost.”

What is the potential of Magento website development for 2021-2022?

magento experts quote

Michail: “Well, Magento has been growing since its inception. And I think the following years will not be an exception. Why? Magento development is a center of attraction for Magento experts. They help stores all over the world to get a functioning web store, select an attractive theme, opt for Magento theme customization, expand the functionality with the help of ready-made modules, and opt for custom extension development

Scalability has always been one of Magento’s most attractive features. However, adding or changing functionality has never been an easy task. And often it’s the reason for web store owners choosing to hire Magento developers. 

The opportunity to scale has been successfully utilized by the users. As a result, the number of Magento-based online stores will only keep on growing.”

Find out 10 ways to speed up Magento in our article.

Web developers are increasingly upgrading to Magento developers. Can you attest to it being true?

Michail: “I think that Magento will not lose popularity among both big brands and Magento developers and specialists. It’s important to remember that in most cases you will need the help of a developer if you are running a Magento-based online store. For growth. I can see the tendency: big brands are ready to invest in hiring a Magento services company to help them use all the functionality to the fullest. Small ecommerce businesses at the same time are often hesitating.”

Why is it cool to be a Magento developer / Magento expert?

Michail: “From my practice, Magento is the most complex web application that I have come across. Here, I would like to emphasize that this is just my subjective opinion.

Jonathan Edwards, the creator of the Subtext programming language, once mentioned that ‘programming is a desperate losing battle against the unconquerable complexity of code and the treachery of requirements’. And to my mind, Magento in this hopeless struggle has advanced further than any other web technology I know.

Working with Magento is hard, but rewarding.”

What features does Magento include and what Magento 2 features are lacking? What would you like to add soon?

Michail: “Well, I can’t say that Magento is ideal. I agree with Victoria, today almost any common feature can be added to your Magento solution if you turn to a certified Magento developer for help.

What would I personally change? Okay, let’s have a look at one of the recent Magento releases. Two weeks after the Magento 2.1.4 version, Magento 2.1.5 was released. Its only purpose was to ‘update the copyright date in every file. No functional changes or security improvements’.

You see? The whole new version has no changes that are insignificant from the point of view of a developer. It’s sort of a challenge to explain this to clients, to show what exactly is updated, and why they need this update.

What is more, Magento 2 doesn’t respond to changes quickly. It has become really big.

Perhaps today not only programming, but in general the creation of complex systems is ‘a desperate losing battle’ (laughs). The platform comes closer to some unknown yet border of complexity when each next step costs like the previous ones all together. In some cases, to increase functionality, it might become easier to create something new. For example, a new structure that implements similar functionality according to different principles and at a lower level of complexity.

In physics a similar border is the speed of light.

So, Magento 2, due to its complexity, has become so great that it becomes more and more difficult to manage. This can easily be the topic for another discussion”.

For Magento 1 users who are still at the stage of considering going for a Magento 2 migration service, we have overviewed the Magento 2 platform’s key feature in our blog article

Closing Remarks of Magento Experts on the Future of Magento Services 

‘Designed to grow, built for flexibility’ is the motto of Magento as a corporation and as a solution. Experts might have different views, but they normally agree on the main point that Magento gives users a great opportunity to scale and develop their business the way they want. Online store owners can start their activity with basic features, but as their business develops, they can switch to a more advanced version of the platform.

If you are in doubt regarding all Magento opportunities, contact us through the form on our website and our Magento experts will answer your questions. Moreover, we provide consulting and support services in case you are already running a Magento-based online store and need any kind of professional help.