User Experience Goals 2021: Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Website

Dasha Korsik

Content Team Lead

UX Design Improvement

20 seconds are reported by user experience researchers to be the time needed for an average user to assess a web page at a first-time visit. In 20 seconds, users make their mind on whether to stay on the website or leave it. Any user experience analysis as of today would show similar figures. 

Moreover, to get the first impression of a website, only 0.2 seconds are needed! No typo, it is exactly how it happens. Just a blink and our brain has already received the necessary information, has analyzed it, and has fixed the image.

The reason why we have come up with this topic is to make sure you understand why user experience is important, as well as help you become aware of how to measure user experience, and how to improve user experience. All who need a custom software solution should strive for quality user experience from the very start. 

In this article, we’ve collected the most deceiving UX mistakes within a web page that could ruin the experience for your customers. Avoid them and adopt your user experience interaction guidelines to preserve your users’ attention.

The cases provided are based on our work experience.

Introduction: How to Evaluate a Website User Experience

Actually, typical errors in user experience architecture of a website are visible to the naked eye. These have a negative effect on the quality of a solution as they create a consistent chain of issues that leads a website to failure in the end. Even the slightest UX mistake within your bespoke software solution can cause discomfort for the users, making them abandon your website and bringing financial losses to your company.

The advantage of good user experience over bad user experience is obvious.

The specialists of our custom web application development company have been observing the user experience principles on today’s market for a while and collected the most widespread web site user experience errors that occur most often. If you become aware of them, it will help you to avoid or at least minimize the losses of your custom software development project. 

Stay tuned!

The Elements of User Experience Scaring Website Visitors Off

According to Statista, over 4.66 billion people use the internet globally, out of which 2.14 billion users prefer online shopping. It is estimated that the annual growth for ecommerce platforms will be 8 percent in the years 2020 to 2024.

Internet Users Worldwide

The chart above illustrates the huge number of users in digital today. And this huge number of users are your potential customers. 

However, the tendency shows that users are becoming increasingly demanding when it comes to the user experience design process and interface design. They simply won’t spend time to figure out any misleading website twists and turns. Once the user doesn’t understand your design, user experience tools, or can’t find the right button, they leave the website.

If you are an online store owner, you understand that the cart abandonment rate depends a lot on end user experience monitoring.

As an experienced ecommerce development agency and website user experience consultants, our team at NEKLO has collected a number of mistakes that we believe have the biggest potential to make the users leave your web store. Some of them we have already discovered in this article, and here is the second part.

Take notes.

1. Wrong service providers

Most websites exist thanks to the things that customers don’t see — like content management systems and web hosting. When you are doing business online, the last thing you should do is to rely on free pre-made solutions and templates. Do your research and choose the CMS platform that is suitable for your business requirements. 

NEKLO is an ecommerce solutions provider with more than a decade of experience and we’ve already collected all the necessary information for you in our top ecommerce platforms review. Moreover, we’ve prepared a mini-guide to help you decide on the reliable hosting provider for your ecommerce website, ensuring trouble-free work and the safety of integrated services.

2. Non-responsive design

4.32 billion of the global digital population are active mobile internet users. If most of your revenue is generated online, providing a proper content display for hand-held devices becomes a matter of a higher conversion rate for your business. 

Also, Google has already introduced a search engine update for mobile search that ranks non-responsive websites lower than responsive ones.

If your online store still has just a desktop version, our ecommerce website development company can help to refresh and redesign your website. NEKLO will help you to attract new consumers and retain the existing ones through an inviting design grabbing attention instantly and leading to a purchase. 

3. Low page load speed

Your website performance issues are also significant. Consider the “weight” of every page while configuring your layout and aim to deliver a similar experience to both mobile and desktop users.

Another issue of website optimization which is crucial for website performance is image size. Pictures take up to 50% of the page loading time. So it makes sense to make sure your visuals are optimized, and your responsive design doesn’t load full-size pictures scaling them down afterward.

Alternatively, you can opt for a specialized plugin.  

In case you would like it to be created by a specialist company, NEKLO’s consulting and support services are exactly what you’ve been looking for. We will explore your website’s look and feel and suggest a redesign project you’ll like. 

4. Complicated navigation

The core information within your website should be easy to find. Once visitors enter your website, they should know immediately what you can offer. It works for anyone within or outside your target audience.

In the case of an online store, it’s about good product search and a convenient product catalog.

We have already published useful tips on how to make your product display worth browsing in our blog earlier.

Another basic point is your company’s core information on your website. While constructing your homepage, remember to focus on what your customers tend to reach for. Depending on the services you offer and items you sell, your company’s info can include:

  • General brand information;
  • Delivery and return policy;
  • FAQs.

All potentially useful links should be easy to find. Once the navigation is made effective, you will see how your customers appreciate it through engagement and increased conversion rates.

5. Poor content

Content is the backbone of any website. So we’d suggest you avoid content issues. 

The list of the main content mistakes includes:

  • Incorrect (=unattractive) layout without headings, lists, and paragraphs;
  • Non-unique content, which also negatively affect SEO-promotion of your site;
  • Outdated information that also negatively affects your promotion campaigns;
  • Excessive or vice versa lacking content;
  • Typos and errors in the texts.

Content is as critical for the website as its design and functionality. Texts, call to action buttons, videos, and photos are the sources of information within your website.

NEKLO believes that it’s true that content is the King. That is why we’ve collected and shared our experience in quality content creation in one of our previous Blog articles. Check it out.

6. Messy checkout page

NEKLO as one of ecommerce consulting companies always tells its customers that a messy checkout page kills efforts to increase the conversion rates. 

Users are likely to abandon the cart at the checkout page in case:

  • There is no convenient currency converter;
  • It is necessary to fill in redundant lines;
  • Feedback forms contain errors;
  • There aren’t enough payment options.

The checkout process should be easy and clear. Check out our 10 effective To-Do’s to make your checkout page convert.

7. Lack of the necessary functionality

It’s a pity when a web store is limited only to the standard functionality. It’s even worse when this functionality is not enough for a convenient use of your web store and purchase of goods.

To win the customers’ attention and gain their positive reviews, we suggest you add some extra features to your web store, such as:

  • Ability to add items to favourites or wish-lists;
  • Opportunity to compare several products;
  • Searching filters;
  • Sorting by individual requests (for example, searching for a dress by its length).

If the necessary features were not included at the stage of website development or were delivered with bugs and errors, then editing it after the launch would require additional financing.

By the way, NEKLO offers custom ecommerce website development services that include tailoring a website functionality to your exact business needs.

Final Thoughts

“What is user experience in web design?” and “Why is user experience important?” are common questions among those planning to move online. Website usability is all about making everything less puzzling. Build your website, online store, or any other online presence based on your customer’s viewpoint, as this is what makes a good user experience. A website is not a decoration, it is a fully functional tool working as a bridge between your services and your customers. Make sure your customers have an easy way to cross this bridge.

NEKLO experts can assist you in identifying the ways to improve the UX on your website and help avoid mistakes. Contact us through the form on our website to get a consultation about our UI/UX website design services.

Together we will make your customers happier.